This competitive ensemble rehearses in late June/August-November. In addition to our weekly shows across New York state, Baldwinsville hosts a competition in September of each year. Competitions culminate in the New York State Field Band Championships at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, NY. Traditionally, Baldwinsville is invited to perform in a competition outside of the State each fall. Band students who join Marching Band are expected to perform their instrument as a member of their school’s day program (Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, etc.) Field Band is available for students in grades 6-12 through an audition process.

Rehearsals begin late winter/early spring. This ensemble performs at various events throughout New York state, including the Memorial Day parade in Baldwinsville. This group provides a tremendous opportunity for new members to “learn the ropes” of marching band before Field Band begins. Quite often, the music from the upcoming season will be utilized during Parade Band. Parade Band is perhaps the most civic of all Marching events in that our group performs “on the street” for audiences that would usually not see us perform. Parade Band is available for students in grades 6-12.

Baldwinsville’s one and only Pep Band, comprised mostly of Marching Band students who wish to continue performing non-traditional music during the “off-season”. Membership is open to anyone wishing to join, regardless of prior-marching band involvement or experience level. This ensemble allows students to experience playing music in different public venues (such as various athletic games in stadium and/or arena settings). Students learn and build upon prior knowledge pertinent to their unique instrument(s) while performing music of differing genres and eras. Plan Bee is also the house band for Syracuse Men's Basketball games while the college band is on break.

Like Marching Band and most sports, Winter Guard is physically demanding, competitive, and requires teamwork and discipline. Winter Guard utilizes flags, rifles, and sabers, along with theatrics and dance to achieve the art of bringing music alive visually. Winter Guard usually starts in November and continues through March/April. Like Field Band, Winter Guard competes on weekends throughout the winter at different venues across the state.

Indoor Drumline usually starts in November and continues through March/April. Indoor is a percussion centric ensemble which allows percussionists to take center stage during the winter season, all taking place on the floor indoors. Like Field Band, Indoor Drumline competes on weekends throughout the winter at different venues across the state.